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The Sales Screen

This is the 'The Sales Screen' reference page.

It's part of the 'Sales' reference series.

Upload Errors

Error Description
This product does not exist with this code and brand or not available to this store Check the code and brand. Do a search using the Products screen or Pricelookup.
More than one product with this code and brand exists Products are unique by code and brand. Use a different code.
Please enter a valid quantity Use whole numbers only. Do not use decimals.
Quantity must be greater than 0 You can not order zero items.
Quantity is not a valid whole number Use whole numbers only. Do not use decimals.
Returned quantity is not a valid whole number Use whole numbers only. Do not use decimals.
Please enter a valid unit price (incl) Use a currency figure, for example, 97.99.
Unit Price (incl) must be greater than zero You can't have a price of zero dollars.
Unit Price (incl) must be a valid Decimal Use a currency figure, for example, 97.99.
Sale document number must be supplied Do a sale search for examples of what your doc numbers look like.
This sale line with this product already exists on the sale and is not being returned There is a duplication with your sale lines.
This sale line is being returned but the sale line does not exist in the system Do a sale search to verify if the sale line actually exists.
This sale line is duplicated in this file Remove the duplication.
Sale date must be supplied Check that the date is the same format as the date in the template row.
Sale Date is too old to import One year is the limit.
Invalid Sale Date Check that the date is the same format as the date in the template row.
Customer must have an account name, first name or last name Do a customer search to verify that the customer exists.
Address details are not valid Check that the postcode, suburb and state are entered. It might be an invalid combination or the postcode is wrong. You can create a test customer using the sandbox (non live system) to find the correct combinations.
This sale has lines that have error-ed and will be skipped Check all of the above examples of errors to find the problem.
Could not find suitable product with this code, brand and distributor The product code could be in conflict with the brand name. You should provide the correct distributor along with the brand for the product code. Also check the spelling for the distributor name as it appears in the system.
Could not find a sale line to link this BUP sale line to, skipping There's no valid product for this BUP in this sale.
This BUP sale line ([sale doc #] - [BUP code]) must be linked to a product sold in the same sale The BUP isn't linked to a product in this sale.