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How To Configure Card And Account Settings

This page helps you to 'Configure Card And Account Settings'.

It's part of the 'Admin/Store Settings' how-to series.

Opening The Cards And Accounts Section

In the main menu, go to the Store Maintenance section.

Select 'Admin' > 'Settings'.

Select the 'Cards and Accounts' tab.

The Cards and Accounts section appears.

The following is a description of each table.

Months Interest Free

Open the 'Cards And Accounts' section

Locate the 'Months Interest Free' section.

This is a simple table with a list of month periods.

Each month period has a corresponding percentage value.

Payment Types

Open the 'Cards And Accounts' section

Locate the 'Payment Types' section.

These are the default payment types.

You can edit and delete payment types.

You can't add payment types (contact support to do this).

Editing Payment Types

Locate the payment type you want to edit.

Select the 'Edit' icon button.

The 'Edit Payment Type' section appears.

You can update the name of the payment type.

To activate or de-activate, select the 'Active' check box.

You can choose to show or not show the payment type on your till balances.

Select the 'Update' button.

Your payment type is updated.

Deleting Payment Types

Locate the payment type you want to delete.

Select the 'Delete' icon button.

Notice the payment type moves to the bottom of the table.

It now appears with a red background.

Your payment type is now inactive.

To re-activate it, follow the steps here and set the payment type to 'active'.

Card Types

Open the 'Cards And Accounts' section

Locate the 'Card Types' section.

Creating Card Types

Select the 'Plus' icon button.

The 'Card Type' create screen appears.

Enter a code and name.

Select the 'Create' button.

Notice the card type now appears in the list of card types.

Your card type is created.

Editing Card Types

Locate the 'Card Type' you want to edit.

Select the 'Edit' icon button.

The 'Card Type' edit screen appears.

Update the name or set the active/in-active checkbox.

Select the 'Update' button.

Your card type is updated.

Deleting Card Types

Locate the 'Card Type' you want to delete.

Select the 'Delete' icon button.

Notice the card type moves to the bottom of the table.

It now appears with a red background.

Your card type is now inactive.

To re-activate it, follow the steps here and set the card type to 'active'.

Account Types

Open the 'Cards And Accounts' section

Locate the 'Account Types' section.

Creating Account Types

Select the 'Plus' icon button.

The 'Account Types' create screen appears.

Enter a code and name.

Enter the number of days (the number of days until the debt payment is due).

Select the 'Create' button.

Notice the account type now appears in the list of account types.

Your account type is created.

Editing Account Types

Locate the 'Account Type' you want to edit.

Select the 'Edit' icon button.

The 'Account Types' edit screen appears.

Update the:

  • name
  • set the active/in-active checkbox
  • set the number of days (the number of days until the debt payment is due)

Select the 'Update' button.

Your account type is updated.

Deleting Account Types

Locate the 'Account Type' you want to delete.

Select the 'Delete' icon button.

Notice the account type moves to the bottom of the table.

It now appears with a red background.

Your account type is now inactive.

To re-activate it, follow the steps here and set the account type to 'active'.

Store Settings